Monday, October 31, 2005

Symantec Licence Renewal Costs


course, in theory, parties and electoral political expression of civil society or people to form the structure of the democratic state must have these by northern spiritual and material welfare of this group.
But Venezuelan parties, without exception, from year 73 with the arrival of "locoven" Fourth call APCR. and the huge oil revenues, excluding civil society provided, they forgot the people and even his militancy, imposed culture of impunity and brazen corruption, mismanagement and improvisation and, although partially reversed in culture and health, "the heat of a healthy market economy whose merit is not theirs, and made some plays, it is equally true that they overran the resources and who failed in the main work, social, human, the family. His pride, self and selfishness were such that did not read the message hit February 4, 1992. Moreover, we know and suffer. A populist demagogue, adventurous, sociopath, social misfit, manic depression, drawing on the justified frustration of decades of collective, imposed by way of voting by generating more poverty and corruption, trying to bring in his megalomania, the country and to South America castro comunismo.El April 11, 2002, the people, tired of this terrible regime, appeared in the naive belief that decent and discerning patriots would know reorient the country. It was the call Carmonazo residue of incompetence and selfishness. The parties, blatant and unfairly, blamed the civil society brave and candid of the kidnapping of 11 April. Coordinator is created with the assistance of the parties and some civic organizations. Subject to certain exceptions honorabales happy and, deprived the members of the Coordinating disability pride, self interest and many unmentionable.
was shown the futility of the effort of many who fought, selflessly, to achieve, above all, this unity in opposition and a minimum of simplicity in the arrogance of the strategic committee of the Coordinator. And it gets demonstrated on a daily basis that all parties, without exception, including the exquisite First Justice seeking to portray not the Fourth but share the same methods and aspirations, all act in the exclusive interest of their own personal interests or party giving, repeatedly and blatantly, back to the group. The lack of credibility, increasing evidence of the rejection of his incompetence, to their status as "empty shells" to his unpopularity, his lack of ethics and efficiency. Parties and civil society have different objectives. You can fall on any representation or claim as out of this regime but civil society as it seeks to achieve peace and spiritual and material welfare of all Venezuelans, without exception, the games suck it out of this regime and take power.
are so blatant that justify claiming electoral participation should not be losing political space. What? If the 76 opposition MPs called for a few months ago a vote of no confidence in the Min of the Interior for the slaughter of Kennedy and touching them defend their motion, but did not go 43 ... Abstention on December 4 will be equal to or greater than that of the council as Keller says. Achieve about 20 deputies. Ques "care about the drama of our class" D "and" E ", the dead, and political prisoners persecuted, prosecuted twenty thousand oil workers to be played by the country, the bankruptcy of more than 7,000 companies, invasions and confiscation of property and residential property? What they care about poverty, unemployment, the underworld, social insecurity and despair increased, it squandered the lavish oil revenue and tax benefit of third countries and plans to meet Amen shameful political delusions of grandeur and the unspeakable the surrender of our sovereignty to Fidel Castro? What does it matter the Venezuelan family, tired of the calls Fourth and the Fifth Repco.?
care not generate more frustration in the country and re-legitimize the unspeakable in order to "stop throwing crumbs and benefit from the scheme" through an electronic process completely controlled by the latter, instead of giving everyone their applications to the country and the ambassadors accredited in unison, not to have accepted the CNE meeting the most basic norms and universal as to count all ballots.
And no matter the parties attacking anyone. Now they attack, no less than "pure and untouchable" of First Justice, His Eminence Cardinal Castillo Lara. The former adeco, Liliana Hernandez, and former Copeyano, Medina, current members of Justice First, seek to blame the Church of the events of April 11 and the implementation of 350. This makes choir and join the nameless who recently insulted his Eminence! Garbage I can think of no other word to qualify to be our style of offense or the offense.
Thankfully, the Venezuelan society has pastors in his church whose moral authority, social sensitivity, courage and commitment to the country, are beyond the insults and the vilification of those who rejected the country and charged in future.
Cardinal Velazco Lead us from up there and you, Cardinal Castillo, hopeless people know that our leadership for lacking organic, for now ... is not a warlike people is noble and brave but recognizes their authority and values \u200b\u200bits solidarity with the same in these difficult hours. The Pope in Rome and those around you as they honor our church. ! Sure we'll get by because our cause is just, not because we have the games, until one day, God forbid, decide to put the collective interests of their own.