Sunday, July 26, 2009

Alfretto Porcelainalfretto Porcelain

Big Striker (Jaleco, 1992)

Big Striker was Jaleco bet to contribute their bit to the wonderful world of arcade football. However, the game before us could not excel in spite of the effort and the effort we put into things like some animations oo various weather effects that impacted on the pitch. Conatba with 8 national teams and Spain was among them. As in most games, we would have to eliminate the opponents round by round until you reach the final.

Inexplicably, after replayed this title can not imagine how I could give so much time and nickels so hard at the time when there is nothing to write home. I guess I was young, innocent and my passion for the game made me overlook any flaws that the game might have. And is that the control is pretty clunky and mechanical, the game moves too fast and everything is very forced in spite of good intentions. We have interesting details such as a third button for watermarks, which added to the typical pass and shot, the appearance of the bench cheering on a corner when a computer is attack near the penalty area or the curious and exaggerated oval shape, taking the ball to kick hard. Some animations such as scissors and pointed straight to the porters ways, players had good size, but the game, hard to master (although I finished it at the time) was a real challenge for lack of character or a good style polished. A pity, but in my memory will remain as a recreational beyond which threw the time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How To Give A Self Hanging Wedge

Tehkan World Cup (Tehkan, 1985)

Tehkan World Cup is without doubt one of the best football games never have been made, despite technological advances, it is still so enjoyable and entertaining as in his time. It is also an important game for the inspiration which led to other companies in developing their football games. Without going any further, the here mentioned Football Emilio Butragueño was very inspired by the game before us. Its value and significance are evident in the case and the year 85, when a video game indistria had much to offer. The game was put on the front of a selection in the upcoming World Cup in Mexico and liquidate our opponents round by round until reaching the final. In the days running, the selections could be identified by their costumes, but there was no name or select teams, so it was make the chulito typical and say that he had marked was the Vulture.

Tehkan, a company that became Tecmo, and giving us great games like other Euro-League gave us a footballing arcade simple controls, easy to learn and very high difficulty curve. Typically we already know: at first it scandalous thrashings endorse our rivals but with the passage of the rounds thing is getting more and more difficult. Despite its simplicity, speed devilish was testing our nerves in the most demanding games, those where the doormen stopped everything and the contrary seemed to play with 2 or 3 more players. Something that always infuriated me was the fact that control of the goalkeeper, which became a challenge, because the automatic player change a game that was going so fast that when we controlled the goalkeeper and we learned, and we had just straining a mackerel. Of course, if you were the PAREB the less a hero, for the unexpected.

The game had a bird's eye view and a vertical scroll would post imitadísimos in football games. Furthermore, the arcade cabinet curious, looking like a table made the deal to a friend we have sat face to face. The same background melody sounded in every game, the same referee's whistle the same tune when you dial and the celebration of goals, something that everyone who has given an opportunity to the game will have etched in memory. And is that ultimately, all this need, the search for cross-shot routine, breaking the network or get you into the goal for goal coupled with the challenge posed finished the game, made it in a truly intense that only required our expertise with the joystick and a button and every detail however insignificant it may seem today, just catching on to the player at the time.

Without doubt, this is one of the best football game ever. Timeless, fun and very addictive.