Mockumentary that absolutely credible and we will wittily recounting the exploits of a feared serial murderer who has been wreaking havoc for 10 long years. Our murderer took the trouble to record their misdeeds camera in hand and the story begins because the police have found the video material in an abandoned house. It is then, when inserted into the narrative of the film and completely consistent hand-held camera scenes. Fleeing the gratuitous, the film is very well run and structured, then add several frames as a kidnapping, or some soepechosos with the police ended up giving, while several experts were trying to build a profile of this being.
The film manages to emerge unscathed from the controversial aesthetics of the camera in hand, reserving those moments to tell something important to accompany the documentary behind. Save Some highlights that should not gut, but confirm that we have a solid proposal that has gone unnoticed here. The Poughkeepsie tapes may well be likened to movies like It happened near his home, although it has the asset of being able to narrate things other than what has been recorded in the chambers and also avoids the use of black humor.
The manager is this interesting proposal is John Erick Dowdle , which his brother Drew check cable history. This work would be the guarantee to lead Quarantine, the remake of the English-Rec We were as usual, with honey on his lips, waiting for an interesting director offers us something new which is not a review.