seems that now he has been given by the game and how could it be otherwise, itentaremos continue the theme of the Atari 2600 console that provides for far more than that so far I have commented in this space. These charts and pounding sound effects are hard to forget, I keep them as love and time and just send the game to the platform, we should remember all of what I played before I fall into oblivion. We all
for Atari, is you have to deal with a console of prehistory in the games coming out like hotcakes. It was not easy to convey a satisfying gaming experience, as he had very bad games, while others were simply incomprehensible, the kind that was hard to understand what they were trying ... but we must also be fair because there were games that had their tremendous value and merit should be granted.
Here we have done all that, from games that are worth as River Raid up nonsense like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre , a review of a few bizarre and some titles in an earlier delivery. So, as I enjoy these things, we go with a new batch of games to remember:
for Atari, is you have to deal with a console of prehistory in the games coming out like hotcakes. It was not easy to convey a satisfying gaming experience, as he had very bad games, while others were simply incomprehensible, the kind that was hard to understand what they were trying ... but we must also be fair because there were games that had their tremendous value and merit should be granted.
Here we have done all that, from games that are worth as River Raid up nonsense like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre , a review of a few bizarre and some titles in an earlier delivery. So, as I enjoy these things, we go with a new batch of games to remember:
Keystone Kapers (Activision, 1983)

I loved the damn game! The Poli-barking the whole life to the game. Police managed to running at full speed in what we think is a mall with escalators, elevators and all. Obviously, this was to catch the thief before the timer runs out. While desenpeñabas your homework, you had to go around obstacles, such as shopping carts, toy airplanes or balloons, with which it is not hit to save time. Had in turn distributed bags and bags of money you could collect for points. We also had a small map-radar scenario that came to position ourselves well and to locate our prey. So whenever the thief pillásemos we presented a new phase, with more things to overcome and more benefits for our opponent, which was a challenge. One of my favorites, of course, Activision's hand. The graphics were very good, very wise control and sound effects add up to perfection. Simple, playable and well presented. Worthwhile.
Fire Fighter (Imagic, 1982)

And after the cops game, we could not overlook this game in which yes, we were a fireman who had to take care to extinguish the flames of a building in the neighbors were still asking for help . Before I forget, there was another fire game in the 2600 whose title can not remember right now.
The fact is that the title was made and there was no conflict graph. In paragraph sound, a slight Sonidito haya you sense that the house was on fire. As well, it was to manage our firefighter under the building and go blow off hose down the flames before they spread throughout the place and cornered the man is inside for help. Another option was to place the ladder right where he was the injured by the fire and get him out.
control was simple, moving the joystick up we threw the water jet and then I handle the stairs of a fire truck that came to where he was civil. This was done by holding down a button and adjusting the position of the ladder with the direction of control. It was quite a feat to get gain control, it was nothing intuitive first.
Air Riders (Mattel, 1982)
control was simple, moving the joystick up we threw the water jet and then I handle the stairs of a fire truck that came to where he was civil. This was done by holding down a button and adjusting the position of the ladder with the direction of control. It was quite a feat to get gain control, it was nothing intuitive first.
Air Riders (Mattel, 1982)

over what appears to be a flight simulator. Quite complex at first, due to cockpit view and having to take the complex control of the plane while we take care of to eliminate your rivals. As I was very young, once cost me something as seemingly simple as haer off the plane, which would end up making the final after desperate not find the logic to something with so many simple shooter. It was pick up speed and lift, moving the joystick down, at the right time. Then we would bring the action.
Anyway, thanks to its novel approach and not be a more of the same, the title invites left. We have to watch the altitude tato our stand against the enemies and then settle ... Own up game.
Bank Heist (20th Century Fox, 1983)

very similar to Video Game Pacman through the maze mapping and enemies of the Beholder. Our car has to go robbing banks, represented by those symbols white and go through the city while police cars (in blue) appear in our search and arrest. Pressing the joystick button will we threw dynamite. Our score was, of course, depending on banks that we could succeed in raiding. Funny game, but not quite convinced. Perhaps they threw a little snout, but not as playable as the famous Pac-Man.
Gopher (U.S. Games, 1982)
And here comes another sign of how he managed developers time to get ideas for a videogame. Curious proposal to control a man who has to take care of their harvest of a weasel trying to eat. All this, based on him with the shovel to try to plug the tunnels and also to give it a whack to weasel before you reach for food. The game was curiosete and since its approach was fun. Also, we could plant seeds that fell from above, thanks to the bird that can be seen in the catch, to replenish our harvest. If we were left with nothing, we lost, of course. Funny game.
Well, and so far that's all. There are many more, so come back to it another day.