The band was created in early April 2007 but it all started with three people currently are current lineup of the band is like 5 or 4 years, then we were all guitarists and we were devoted to playing covers of some bands for our amusement at the moment not thinking about something serious like riding the range or something like that, in early 2006 influenced punk bands but for national and international began to compose the first songs the band led to a concept anarcho -libertarian against an oppressive system like the one we are currently in our country, with many things to say and express about what is lived and currently live in the country, are still creating new songs about the working class struggle, racial discrimination, anti-fascism and much more, leading to a context Music fast rhythms, voices torn and quite expressive. In early 2007 it was decided to form a band with two new friends came to play drums and bass, and with 5 members in which were 3 guitars, bass and drums, rehearsing and a time to not see a favorable outcome is decided musically Take the last two remaining members without a bassist and drummer, they took a decision where music for big changes each member decides to play a different instrument, gaby on drums and guitar that was once lead singer, wilmer on bass guitar and vocals before and manuel that followed on guitar and vocals giving the band a musical and best performance better chemistry between the band members as we have always been three since the beginning and we know how we play and who does what, thus the eventual formation of Free Choice. Thanks to probe study that has supported us from the beginning, people and bands such as NMA, St. PCST and other bands that are friends with us.
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