what age you started writing?
After four years, escrbi a song called "Mama do not let me cry" (mother not I do mourn)
Did you get used to fame?
Now if, at first fell (laughs) When he left the school had tons of girls chasing me and once I pulled a lock of hair! It was very painful! But over time one will be used to it and learns that when you're a fan you should not let your hands are within reach of your hair. Ensures the 14 year old boy with a twinkle in her left eye.
Can you walk alone down the street?
hasa The truth is that a few weeks ago I went from here to there own, but had a small problem at Disney World and from there my parents put me bodyguards.
drawback? What question?
had gone with some friends to Disney and had a fit of madness I said all poor and left me there alone with Miranda Cosgrove, it was a great idea, because we stole the cell to both! My parents worried a lot, because I called and I did not attend. From then on when I go to a place far I have bodyguards. And of course I was punished.
Now that you mention Miranda ... What's between you?
is the first time I'm going to make public, she and I were dating for a while, but did not work. There is much distance between NY and LA, so we decided to end it all there, and be friends. Are
dating at this time?
"I have my girls," says the boy with a mischievous laugh. "No, seriously speaking, in this moment I am just very recently I finish my relasion with Miranda and I need my time alone. It was very painful end, love her."
But you never know things can happen over time!
Yes, you never know.
Speaking of your voice has changed a lot the last year.
Yes, indeed. I changed all my sheet music because my voice was once very sharp. But luckily I have a band that is great and help me at all.
Need a new member in the band?
No, We currently do not.
Your mother writes the scripts written that kiss Was Operation Mojo that?
(laughs) Mama was angry because I grip Allie and kissed her like that and she said: Piquito said! A beak! but then saw the scene and liked it. It says she can not believe that your little this growing mode.
you confessed that the first time I saw you liked Allie Is not it so?
was very small and when I saw I said: Oh very nice! Until the day I had to kiss for the first time I was afraid! But now we are two good friends.
Last question ... The song "Your Smile" (Your sonrrisa) Who's it for?
I wrote for my first girlfriend, a day that she wanted me sonrreir. I loved his sonrrisa.
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