Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Is A Chapstick Label Made From

Misfits: One of the big surprises of the tv

Something must have superhero attention. Especially in these times, in that beyond the various adaptations we all know, movies and series arise in which the concept of hero is something more real, everyday. Thus we have films ranging from The Protected to Kickass, and Special Defendor or TV series like Heroes overvalued, which in my point of view has failed to respond to both potential and so many expectations generated at the time.

The fact is, that for a good bit, there has been a British series with only 13 episodes under his belt and has been able to snack at the famous American series of superheroes. Right now is one of the most interesting of the TV and a revelation. Misfits has 2 seasons (the first of 6 episodes, the other 6 + second Christmas special) and is on track for a third. The episodes range from 40 to 50 minutes. And yes, hook the theme song from the Misfits

presents us a 5 outcasts, they are doing work of community service to pay for crimes that you commented. The fact is that after a stormy day realize that something has changed and receive extrños powers. The funny thing is that these powers are a bit on your personality. So Simon, a painfully shy boy will have the "gift" of invisibility, or Alisha, one of the girls, she quite loose, excite to the absolute limits to anyone who touches it.

Well, better not say much more but it is clear that a relationship linking these characters (Nathan takes the cake, along with Kelly accent, no doubt) and it's amazing the ability of writers to COCENTRA everything so well in 6 episodes the first season that lasts.

I look forward to the third ... In order not to miss these guys


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