Monday, October 31, 2005

Symantec Licence Renewal Costs


course, in theory, parties and electoral political expression of civil society or people to form the structure of the democratic state must have these by northern spiritual and material welfare of this group.
But Venezuelan parties, without exception, from year 73 with the arrival of "locoven" Fourth call APCR. and the huge oil revenues, excluding civil society provided, they forgot the people and even his militancy, imposed culture of impunity and brazen corruption, mismanagement and improvisation and, although partially reversed in culture and health, "the heat of a healthy market economy whose merit is not theirs, and made some plays, it is equally true that they overran the resources and who failed in the main work, social, human, the family. His pride, self and selfishness were such that did not read the message hit February 4, 1992. Moreover, we know and suffer. A populist demagogue, adventurous, sociopath, social misfit, manic depression, drawing on the justified frustration of decades of collective, imposed by way of voting by generating more poverty and corruption, trying to bring in his megalomania, the country and to South America castro comunismo.El April 11, 2002, the people, tired of this terrible regime, appeared in the naive belief that decent and discerning patriots would know reorient the country. It was the call Carmonazo residue of incompetence and selfishness. The parties, blatant and unfairly, blamed the civil society brave and candid of the kidnapping of 11 April. Coordinator is created with the assistance of the parties and some civic organizations. Subject to certain exceptions honorabales happy and, deprived the members of the Coordinating disability pride, self interest and many unmentionable.
was shown the futility of the effort of many who fought, selflessly, to achieve, above all, this unity in opposition and a minimum of simplicity in the arrogance of the strategic committee of the Coordinator. And it gets demonstrated on a daily basis that all parties, without exception, including the exquisite First Justice seeking to portray not the Fourth but share the same methods and aspirations, all act in the exclusive interest of their own personal interests or party giving, repeatedly and blatantly, back to the group. The lack of credibility, increasing evidence of the rejection of his incompetence, to their status as "empty shells" to his unpopularity, his lack of ethics and efficiency. Parties and civil society have different objectives. You can fall on any representation or claim as out of this regime but civil society as it seeks to achieve peace and spiritual and material welfare of all Venezuelans, without exception, the games suck it out of this regime and take power.
are so blatant that justify claiming electoral participation should not be losing political space. What? If the 76 opposition MPs called for a few months ago a vote of no confidence in the Min of the Interior for the slaughter of Kennedy and touching them defend their motion, but did not go 43 ... Abstention on December 4 will be equal to or greater than that of the council as Keller says. Achieve about 20 deputies. Ques "care about the drama of our class" D "and" E ", the dead, and political prisoners persecuted, prosecuted twenty thousand oil workers to be played by the country, the bankruptcy of more than 7,000 companies, invasions and confiscation of property and residential property? What they care about poverty, unemployment, the underworld, social insecurity and despair increased, it squandered the lavish oil revenue and tax benefit of third countries and plans to meet Amen shameful political delusions of grandeur and the unspeakable the surrender of our sovereignty to Fidel Castro? What does it matter the Venezuelan family, tired of the calls Fourth and the Fifth Repco.?
care not generate more frustration in the country and re-legitimize the unspeakable in order to "stop throwing crumbs and benefit from the scheme" through an electronic process completely controlled by the latter, instead of giving everyone their applications to the country and the ambassadors accredited in unison, not to have accepted the CNE meeting the most basic norms and universal as to count all ballots.
And no matter the parties attacking anyone. Now they attack, no less than "pure and untouchable" of First Justice, His Eminence Cardinal Castillo Lara. The former adeco, Liliana Hernandez, and former Copeyano, Medina, current members of Justice First, seek to blame the Church of the events of April 11 and the implementation of 350. This makes choir and join the nameless who recently insulted his Eminence! Garbage I can think of no other word to qualify to be our style of offense or the offense.
Thankfully, the Venezuelan society has pastors in his church whose moral authority, social sensitivity, courage and commitment to the country, are beyond the insults and the vilification of those who rejected the country and charged in future.
Cardinal Velazco Lead us from up there and you, Cardinal Castillo, hopeless people know that our leadership for lacking organic, for now ... is not a warlike people is noble and brave but recognizes their authority and values \u200b\u200bits solidarity with the same in these difficult hours. The Pope in Rome and those around you as they honor our church. ! Sure we'll get by because our cause is just, not because we have the games, until one day, God forbid, decide to put the collective interests of their own.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Denise Milani La Fitness

Gazette - Law Gazette 891

Official Gazette of Cuba
Oswaldo Dorticos Torrado, President of the Republic of Cuba 13/10/1960 From Special Edition Republic of Cuba - Havana, Thursday, October 13, 1960 Year LVIII Volume XIX Number
Dorticos Torrado, President of the Republic of Cuba. I know: That the Council of Ministers has agreed and I have sanctioned the following: WHEREAS, the monetary and credit policy is part of the general economic policy of the Government and key strategic role in the allocation and orientation of the productive resources country. WHEREAS: It is essential to transform the old banking structure of the nation and adapt to new economic conditions created as a result of the revolutionary process. WHEREAS, the creation of money and credit allocation should be public functions relate exclusively to the state, according to the requirements of economic planning, and should not be undertaken by private companies operating under the spur of profit and further consideration to the interests of the individual to the collective. WHEREAS: To achieve the above goals is necessary therefore to nationalization and expropriation in favor of the State of all domestic private banks operating in the country, prior to the final structuring of the system national banking. THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers are vested in the Council of Ministers resolves to issue the following: Law No. 891

ARTICLE 1: public function is declared hereafter bank may exercise the State Agencies created by the effect under the existing laws are not in contradiction with the provisions of this Act For the purposes of the preceding paragraph shall mean that the banking function includes all operations performed deposit banks and credit, capital and savings, mortgage, building and development and, in general, all other operations achievable by banking institutions of any kind.

ARTICLE 2: In accordance with the statements in the preceding article, provides for the nationalization, through eminent domain and, therefore, are awarded in favor of the Cuban all national private banks, whether deposit banks and credit, mortgage, or building and development as well as all property, rights and shares held by banks listed in the national territory, including its accounts and bank deposits abroad. Declared as the public interest or national or social interest and in support of the need for such expropriations which is entered in the For many of this Act

ARTICLE 3: It provides that the nationalization and subsequent award to the Cuban State is ordered in the previous article takes effect through the Bank Nacional de Cuba, as an autonomous body responsible for governing the function of the state bank. Consequently, states the National Bank of Cuba as a legal continuation subrogated to the location and extent of natural or legal persons referred to in Article 2 of this Act, in respect to the assets, rights and actions referred to and transferred and same all assets and liabilities of the banking institutions under the present law

ARTICLE 4: As a result of the provisions of Article 2 of this Act and the subsequent takeover by the National Bank of Cuba of the assets and liabilities of legal persons in companies affected by this Act is declared dissolved and extinguished the same, all legal purposes.

ARTICLE 5: Declare persons entitled to compensation for expropriation arranged pop, partners or shareholders of legal persons or companies are dissolved and extinct. The subsequent payment of compensation will be done by the National Bank of Cuba, social liquidated assets or shares, and as dividends or profits accrued to the date of enactment of this Act, according to the evaluation system to select the President of the National Bank. The payment of such compensation shall be made after the closing date of the operations of Banco Nacional de Cuba, on December 31, 1960. To this end the National Bank of Cuba shall offset the amounts of compensation for the debts of the partners or shareholders with any of the nationalized banks.

ARTICLE 6: balances resulting from the said settlement in favor of the partners or shareholders who have the right to compensation paid in the respective bank accounts, or in default thereof, in which for this purpose to open in the appropriate agencies of the National Bank of Cuba on behalf of the Indemnitees.

ARTICLE 7: the said payments shall be made in cash compensation up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars, and consequently, fertilizers are verified in the respective bank accounts in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article may not exceed that amount. The excess, if any, shall be paid by bonds issued for that purpose the National Bank of Cuba, redeemable within a period of 15 years and bearing interest at 2% annually. ARTICLE

8: Current bank offices affected by this Act will continue to serve as agencies usually the National Bank of Cuba and will be administered, until otherwise ordered by the president of the National Bank, with separate accounts.

ARTICLE 9: From the effect of this, the Banco Nacional de Cuba is responsible for existing deposits in the banks affected by this law and guarantees the holder the normal development of related operations themselves, according to the nature of each deposit and the law.

ARTICLE 10: National Bank of Cuba to the Council of Ministers, following approval of the Central Planning Board, a draft law establishing the final structure and organization of the Cuban banking system so that, at least, involves the creation of an Agricultural Credit Bank and other Bank Industrial and Commercial Credit, and maintenance of the Bank for Foreign Trade of Cuba.

ARTICLE 11: are declared dissolved the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Banco Nacional de Cuba, and tdodas assume the functions and powers of these bodies, the President of the Bank advised by an Advisory Council which shall consist of officer more senior Bank for Foreign Trade of Cuba, the Agricultural Credit Bank and Bank Industrial and Commercial Credit. Until the enactment of the Act referred to in Article 10 of this, the President of the National Bank will take on its own, all of those faculties.

ARTICLE 12: Declared dissolved Stabilization Fund of the Currency, established by Decree No. 1358 June 10, 1939, and reorganized in accordance with the provisions of Title 11 of Act No. 13 of 23 December 1948, and provides that the National Bank of Cuba, full assume all duties of that body and substituting himself for the same degree respect to all its rights and obligations. To this end we created the International Department of Banco Nacional de Cuba "by a boss who appoint the president of the National Bank.

ARTICLE 13: The National Bank of Cuba may carry out all operations authorized by law and accepted by the banking industry, they are compatible with its new objectives and, in general, performing any operation involving all aspects of monetary policy, credit and exchange, without prejudice to the powers of the Central Planning Board.

ARTICLE 14: Incorporated in Banco Nacional de Cuba all headquarters, branches, agencies, branches or subsidiaries of all banking institutions affected by this law, which nevertheless remain subject to taxation and, therefore, required to pay the taxes, except that levied on corporate profits.

ARTICLE 15: banking institutions incorporated into the National Bank of Cuba shall implement a general balance of their operations by June 30 and December 31 of each year and the net profits for any reason the closing date these balances will be credited to the Central Treasury of the Republic in accordance with instructions issued by Minister of Finance who may agree with the National Bank of Cuba advances from profits.


: The publication of this Law shall be put into liquidation on Deposit Insurance Fon instituted by Law-Decree No. 1852 December 22, 1954 and Mortgage Fund Insured (F.11.A) created by Law-Decree No. 2066 of January 27, 1955. The National Bank of Cuba is responsible for carrying out the liquidation. SECOND: The application of this Act Cap Banks and Savings is determined by the President of the National Bank of Cuba, subject the rules that dictate, in order to avoid labor movement, in accordance with the employment policy of the Revolutionary Government, and encourage public and subscribers of the depositors of these banks accounts are reinstated in the most favorable terms possible. THREE: staff currently employed in incorporated bank branches listed in its Annexes B) continue in office under the relevant collective bargaining agreements. The staff set out in Annex A) will also continue in office until such time as otherwise the Chairman of the National Bank of Cuba. FOURTH: Penalties - The chief executive officers, managers, administrators or guardians with the use of authorized signatures to disobey, interfere with or impede the execution of orders, regulations or instructions of the President of Banco Nacional de Cuba or his personal representative, in connection with the execution of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment of 6 months to 5 years and a fine of one thousand dollars to fifty thousand pesos shall be imposed according to the Court, taking into account the severity of the crime and damage to public property. If the offender while participating shareholder or Bank's capital in addition forfeit the right to compensation for expropriation provided in this Act FIVE: The property, rights and actions of the entities bank incorporated under the National Bank of expropriation provided for in this Act, whether movable or immovable nature, shall be transmitted immediately and directly to the Banco Nacional de Cuba, with no need for the transfer is stated in Register any kind, or formalize endorsements or assignments of the same. SIX: few are repealed laws or regulations contrary to the compliance of the provisions of this Act which came into effect after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic.

For Both: Command to run complied with and this Act in its entirety. Given the Presidential Palace in Havana, October 13 , 1960

OSVA LDO Dorticos Torrado Prime Minister Fidel Castro Ruz Díaz Rolando Astaraín Minister of Finance.

Prosumer Xlr Camcorder

Cuba - Law 890

Official Gazette of Cuba
Oswaldo Dorticos Torrado, President of the Republic of Cuba 13.10.1960 From Special Edition Republic of Cuba - Havana, Thursday, October 13, 1960 Year Weekly Volume XIX Number LVIII


OSWALDO Dorticos Torrado, President of the Republic of Cuba ...., I know: That the Council of Ministers has agreed and I have sanctioned the following: FOR WHEREAS: creative work of the Revolution, in its many aspects, is primarily based on the full development of the nation. WHEREAS: It is clear that development can not be achieved only through proper planning of the economy, growth and progressive rationalization of production and national control of the country's basic industries. WHEREAS: Many large private companies in the country far from assuming a behavior consistent with the objectives and goals of the revolutionary transformation of the national economy, have followed a policy contrary to the interests of the revolution and economic development, the signs more obvious and notorious have been the sabotage of production; extraction of cash without proper reinvestment, the overuse of the means of financing itself without use of operating capital to the ostensible purpose of accumulating cash and invest it abroad after obtaining illegal currency, and frequent neglect of direct address factories which in many cases, forced intervention by the Ministry of Labour in crisis avoidance preventive work that closing or reducing output they produce. WHEREAS: Such behavior is even more definitely against the interests of the revolution to occur despite substantially increased consumption of the country and therefore has expanded the domestic market for these companies. WHEREAS: The Nation's economic development has required, as a major constraint, the radical transformation of the structure of our foreign trade, which has set a national import control by the operation of "Bank for Foreign Trade Cuba "and it is evident that the livelihoods of the major importing companies operating under the single stimulus of profit and as intermediates in the mechanism of the distribution no longer fulfill any function in the national economy is an obstacle to the implementation of new foreign trade policy. WHEREAS: The revolutionary process became necessary to make laws to benefit the people whose content tended to settle the economic privileges of certain nuclei which, reacting violently, ignored and violated these laws, reaching even to the extent of financing the ill-gotten money to counterrevolutionary groups in open alliance with the financial imperialism and constitutes the best response to those activities that the revolutionary government, with quiet courage and enact the laws necessary to the defense and consolidation of the Cuban Revolution. WHEREAS: It is the duty of the revolutionary government to take the measures demanded by the circumstances set out in the past and for many settled permanently adopt formulas that economic power of the vested interests that conspire against the people, the process of nationalization of large industrial and commercial companies have not adapted or ever be able to adapt to the revolutionary reality of our country, while providing effective safeguards and to provide for different media the normal development of all those small and medium enterprises whose interests can and must match the major interests of the nation. WHEREAS: The nationalization should be verified by the condemnation of such industrial and commercial enterprises, as authorized by Article 24 of the Basic Law of the Republic. THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers are vested, the Cabinet resolves to issue the following LAW
No. 890

Article 1 .- nationalization is available through the condemnation of all industrial and commercial enterprises, as well as factories, warehouses, and other assets and rights of members of the same, owned by the following individuals or corporations:

GROUP "A" Sugar Mills
1. Honda Bay Central, SA, operator of Central Bahia Honda. " 2. Central El Pilar SA, operator of the Central Pillar. " 3. Central La France, SA, operator of the Central "La France" 4. Sugar Carmen Rita, SA, operator of the Central "Niagara." 5. Cia. Sugar Bramales, SA, operator of Central Orozco. " 6. Central San Cristobal, SA, operator of the Central San Cristobal. " 7. Gomez Mena New Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Amistad." 8. Toledo Central Sugar Company, operator of Central Fajardo. " 9. Gomez Mena New Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Gomez Mena." 10. Havana Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Havana. " 11. Hershey Corporation, operator of the Central "Hershey". 12. Josefita Central, SA, operator of Central Josefita. " 13. New Sugar Company Gómez Mena, SA, operator of Central Mercedita. 14. Marrero Güiro Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central West. " 15. Portugalete San José Central Company, Inc., operator of Central Portugalete. 16. Guines Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Providence." 17. Rosario Sugar Company, operator of the Central "Rosario." 18. Gomez Mena Sugar Company, operator of Central San Antonio. " 19. Toledo Central Sugar Company, operator of the Central "Toledo." 20. Central Araujo, SA, operator of the Central "Araujo." 21. Guamacaro Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Carolina. " 22. Ingenio Dolores, SA Central operates the "Dolores." 23. The Hires Sugar Company, operator of the Central "Roses." 24. Central Sugar Company Elena, SA, operator of the Central "Elena." 25. Guipúzcua Sugar and Cattle Company, Inc., operator of Central Guipúzcua. " 26. Indarra Agricultural Company, Inc., operator of Central Porfuerza. " 27. Progress Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Progress." 28. Central Puerto, SA, operator of Central Puerto. " 29. Ingenio San Ignacio, SA, operator of the Central San Ignacio. " 30. Coliscan Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Santa Amalia". 31. Central Santa Rita, SA, operator of the Central Santa Rita.. 32 Central Soledad, SA, operator of the Central "Solitude". 33. Tinguaro Central, SA, operator of Central Tinguaro.. 34 Agricultural and Industrial Company La Julia, SA, operator of the Central "Triumph". 35 . Adela Central Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Adela". 36. Azucarera Amazonas SA, operator of the Central Amazon. "37. Andreita Central, Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Andreita.. 38 Central Caracas SA, operator of the Central "Caracas". 39. Carmita Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Carmita. 40. Azucarera Crossroads, Inc., operator of Central Constancia.. 41 Heart Sugar Company Jesus, Inc., operator of the Central "Heart of Jesus." 42. Escambray Central, SA, operator of Central Escambray. " 43. Sugar Camajuaní, SA, operator of the Central "Faith." 44. Fidencia Central, SA, operator of Central Fidencia. " 45. Macagua Central Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Macagua. " 46. Central Manuelita, Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Manuelita. " 47. North American Sugar Company, operator of Central Narcisa. 48. Ingenio Natividad, SA, operator of the Central "Nativity." 49. Nazabal Central, SA, operator of Central Nazabal. " 50. Pastora Central SA, operator of Central Pastora. " 51. Central Perseverance SA, operator of the Central "Perseverance." 52. Sugar Luzárraga, SA, operator of Central Portugalete. 53. Caibarién Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central Reform. " 54. Gomez Mena New Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Resolution." 55. It is Central Sugar Company, operator of the Central "It." 56. Central San Augustine, SA, operator of the Central "St. Augustine" (L). 57. Tropic Industrial Corporation, SA, operator of the Central "San Agustin" (B). 58. Cienfuegos Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central San Francisco. " 59. Industrial and Agricultural Society Burning Guines, SA, operator of the Central "San Isidro". 60. Lessee Company San Jose, SA, operator of Central San Jose. " 61. Sugar Margam, SA, operator of the Central San Pablo. " 62. Santa Catalina Central, SA, operator of the Central Santa Catalina. " 63. Sugar Santa Isabel, SA, operator of the Central Santa Isabel. " 64. Santa Lutgarda Central, SA, operator of the Central Santa Lutgarda. " 65. St. Mary Central, SA, operator of the Central Santa Maria. " 66. Santa Rosa Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central Santa Rosa. " 67. General Mills Company SA, operator of the Central "Santa Teresa". 68. Trinsuco Trading Company, SA, operator of Central Trinidad. " 69. Ulacia, SA, operator of Central Ulasia. " 70. Central Sugar Unit, SA, operator of the Central Unit. " 71. Caribbean Sugar Producing Company, operator of Central Victoria. " 72. Sugar Zaza, SA, operator of the Central "Zaza." 73. Adelaide, Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central Adelaide. " 74. Cotton Mill Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central Cotton. " 75. Sugar Sibanieú, SA, operator of Central Najasa. " 76. Homeland Central Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central Fatherland. " 77. Sugar Company Buena Vista, SA, operator of the Central "Punta Alegre." 78. Santa Central Marta, SA, operator of the Central "Santa Marta". 79. Senate Central, SA, operator of the Central "Senate." 80. Siboney-Central Camaguey, SA, operator of the Central "Siboney." 81. Central Violeta Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Violet." 82. Alto Songo Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Algodonal. " 83. American Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central America. " 84. Antilla Sugar Estates, the operator of Central Baguanos. " 85. Bellona Sugar Company, operator of Central Baltony. " 86. Borjita Sugar Company SA, operator of Central Baltony. " 87. Holguin Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Cacocum. "88 Cape Central Cross SA, operator of the Central "Cape Cross." 89. Operator Dos Amigos, Inc., operator of the Central "Two Friends." 90. Cuban Eastern Sugar Company, Inc., operator of the Central "Hope." 91. Estrada Palma Sugar Cooperative, Inc., operator of the Central "Estrada Palma". 92. Vican Sugar Company, operator of the Central "Isabel" (B). 93. Mabay Central Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Mabay. " 94. Macco Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Macco. 95. Niquero Central, SA, operator of Central Niquero. " 96. Cuban Canadian Sugar Company, operator of the Central "Singing River." 97. Central Salvador, SA, operator of the Central "Savior." 98. Yateras Sugar Company, operator of Central San Antonio. " 99. Fidelity Sugar Company, Inc., operator of Central Saint Germain. " Eastern 100.Azucarera San Ramon, SA, Central San Ramon. " Lucia 101.Santa Company, operator of the Central Santa Lucia. " Agricultural 102.Compañía Yara, SA, operator of the Central "Sofia." . 103.Antilla Sugar Estates, the operator of Central Tacajó. " Sugar 104.Compañía Tánamo of Cuba, Central operator "Tánamo" 105.Central Union, SA, operator of the Central Union. "
GROUP "B" D estilerias
1. José Arechavala, SA 2. Cia. Destiladora San Nicolas, SA 3. Cia. Distillers Paradise, SA 4. The Francisco Sugar Co. 5. Destilling Nauyn Co. 6. Cia. Western Alcohol SA 7. Cia. Agricultural Alcohol Defence SA 8. Cia. General Destiladora, SA 9. Cia. Agricultural Indarra, SA 10. Cia. Sugar Progreso, SA 11. Cia. Zumaquera Industrial, SA 12. Cia. Commercial Trinsuco, SA 13. Reed Industrial Derivatives. 14. Incera y Hnos, SA 15. Cia. Destiladora Laguabo, SA 16. Cia. Destiladora Orienta, SA 17. Credit and Development, SA 19.Destilería San Miguel, SA
GROUP "C" Liquor
1. Cia. Ron Bacardi, SA 2. Brewery Model SA 3. Central Brewery, SA 4. Cia. International brewer SA 5. New Ice Factory, SA 6. Cia. Brewery Cuba, SA
GROUP "D" Soaps and Perfumes
1. Crucell and Company., SA and SA 2 Cuban Detergents. Sabt Industrial, SA, and Products Detergents SA 3. Cia. Meneen de Cuba, SA
GROUP "E" Dairy
1. Cia. Dairy Cuba, SA 2. Cia. Industrial Electric SA 3. Derivados de Leche, SA 4. Cia. Dairy Operator, SA 5. Cia. National Food Authority, SA
Chocolate Factories
1. Industrial and Commercial Cuba, SA ("Star") 2. Ambrosia Industrial, SA
GROUP "G" Flour Mills
1. Eastern milling, SA
GROUP "H" Packaging Factory
1. Industrial and Commercial Packaging, SA 2. Sobrino Francisco Ovalle. 3. Modern cans, SA 4. Perga packaging of Cuba, SA 5. Hubert and Company. 6. General Industry Cartonera, SA 7. Printing and Packaging Industrial, SA Perez Hermanos, SA
Paint Factory 1. National Paints Factory, SA 2. Pittsburgh Plate Glass International, SA 3. The Sherwin Williams Co. of Cuba, SA 4. Dupont Chemical Co.
GROUP "J" Chemical
1. American Agricultural Chemical 2. Electro Chemical del Caribe, SA 3. Cia. Zimotécnica de Cuba, SA
GROUP "K" Basic Metallurgy
1. Cia. Coffee Distribuidora Nacional, SA 2. Casting Pujol, SA 3. Aluminum tubes, SA 4. Vidal Brothers Metal Specialties, Inc. 5. Panama Products Co., Inc. 6. Health Pujol, SA
GROUP "L" Stationers
1. The Bohon Trading Corp., (Commercial Co. Bohon, SA) 2. Modern Trash, SA 3. Cia. Lithographic Havana, SA 4. Trash old Cuban, SA 5. Trash Rio Verde, SA 6. Peter A., \u200b\u200bLopez and Sons. 7. Antonio Suarez y Cia.
GROUP "M" Lights
1. Lamps Quesada, SA
GROUP "N" Textiles and Apparel
1. Mascot Apparel, SA 2. Sox Factory Corona, SA 3. Gold Seal Hosiery, SA 4. Soltex tissues, SA 5. Textiles & Apparel Dog, SA 6. López Paz y Cia. S. in C. 7. Garcia Brothers, and Co.. 8. Pico Villar and Co.. 9. Holly Perez y Cia. 10. Ortiz and Brother. 11. Lopez y Cia. 12. José Matos y Cia. 13. Kaba Brothers 14. Klepach and Brothers 15. Basehead Carrio and Co. 16. Screams and Co.. 17. Prado Garcia and Co.. 18. Seiji Martinez and Co.. 19. Hnos. Ferreira and Co. 20. Bernardo Gonzalez 21. Fraguel Fajo and CIA. 22. Garcia Hnos., E CIA. 23. Abascal Hnos., E CIA. 24. JM Díaz and Co.. 25. Lejarza and Co.. 26. Villamil Martinez and Co.. 27. And will arrange Hnos. 28. Legs & Co.. 29. Joseph A. Rodriguez and Co.. 30. Aguirre, Villar and Co.. 31. Alvarez, Suarez and Co.. 32. Lopez Paz and Co. 33. Emilio Leyva and Co.. 34. Azze Hosiery Mills, SA 35. Fabric Ribbon Co.. of Cuba, SA 36. Textile Mayanbeque, SA 37. Glamour Textile, SA 38. Textiles Calabaza, SA 39. Textile Industry Nemaseda, SA 40. Cordelia Carranza, SA 41. Antex SA textile factory 42. Libertarian Piñon Mayor. 43. Exclusive Apparel, SA 44. Apparel Vigil, SA 45. Cia. Garment Dibes 46. Cia. General Clothing, SA 47. Benigno Fernandez Gomez 48. Female Creations, SA 49. Textile El Roble, SA 50. Garment industry, SA 51. Cia. Garment SA 52. Isidoro Marín Padilla 53. Joseph M. Menendez 54. Sedanita Textil SA 55. Manuel Galluzi 56. San Antonio Textil, SA 57. Apparel Rayda SA 58. Cia. Onix de Cuba 59. Modern Apparel Bejucal, SA 60. Glamour and Textiles, SA 61. Tricana Textile, SA
GROUP Ñ Rice Mills
1. Mateu Cecilio Sosa 2. Los Palacios SA Rice Mill 3. Alfonso Hermanos y Cia. 4. Estaban y Felipe Cacicedo Gutiérrez 5. Molinos Arroceros de Camaguey, S.A. 6. Molinos Arroceros Valles , S.A. 7. Molino Arrocero Castaño S.A. 8. Molino Arrocero Jayama, S.A. 9. Molino Arrocero Jagua, S.A. 10. Manipuladora Agrícola, S.A. 11. Vila, Alvarez y Montero 12. Agrícola Industrial Garata, S.A. 13. Pérez Castillo 14. Molino Arrocero La Paloma 15. Molino Arrocero Saneti Spiritus 16. Central Sta. María
GRUPO "O" Productos Alimenticios
1. Industria Ferro, S.A. 2. Conservas Selectas, S.A. 3. Abuin López y Cía. 4. Compañía Empacadora La Unión, S.A. 5. El Ebro, S.A. 6. Víveres y Conservas Wilson, S.A. 7. Carvajal Ferro, S.A.
GROUP "P" Oils and Fats
1. Vegetable oils, SA 2. Horshey, SA
GROUP "Q" Grocery Stores
1. J. Perez, SA 2. Peláez Pires, SA, Import and Export 3. Cia. Northern food imports, SA 4. Lorel Sanchez de Mola Importers, SA 5. Graells y Cia. S. in C. 6. Roza & Cia. 7. Cagigal Hernández y Cía. 8. Tous y Cia., SA Import and Exporters. 9. Rodriguez y Cia. 10. J. Noval, S. in C. 11. Storing Groceries Rafael Martínez SA 12. Casas y Cia., S. in C. 13. Br Porbén and SA 14. Pio Ferro children. 15. Co. in C. Artemisa, SA 16. Stores Green Cross 17. Margallon, Vázques y Cia. 18. Swift and Company. 19. Marcelino Gonzalez y Cia. 20. Piñan, Arxer y Cia. 21. Viv Luis Vega Castaños. 22. F. Bonet and Company. 23. Sucro & Co., SA 24. Prados and S. Brothers in C. 25. Condra and Tenreiro, SA 26. Suc. Santeiro y Cia., SL 27. Otero y Cia. 28. Suc. F. Suarez y Cia. 29. Framil, Garcia y Cia., S. in C. 30. Commercial Balcells, SA 31. Cacicedo y Cia., SL 32. Garcia, Barquin y Cia. 33. Suc. Alonso y Cia. S. in C. 34. Garriga, SA 35. V. Fornis y Cia., S. in C. 36. Holguin Commercial & Industrial, SA 37. Georgiana packaging company SA 38. Viv San Juan, SA 39. Cia. Granera. 40. Pardo Amadeo Estrada 41. Llobera and Co., S.en C. 42. Cerda, Llanos y Cia. 43. Fernandez Grocery Importing Nuevitas, SA 44. Cia. Industrial and Commercial SA Casal 45. F. Alvarez y Cia., SL 46. Perez, Rodriguez y Cia. 47.Imp. Rodriguez SA
GROUP "R" coffee roasting
1. The Diana, coffee roasters, SA 2. Cia. Commercial Tupy, SA 3. Coffee roasting Las Villas, SA 4. Baquedano & Cia. 5. Cia. Comercial La Flor de Tibes, SA 6. Souto and Company., S. in C. 7. Trout & Co. Br. 8. Carbajosa and Alvarez 9. Martinez and Bulnes 10. López y Rivas 11. The Leader
GROUP "A" Drugstores
1. Drugstore Sarra, SA 2. Drugstore Johnson, SA 3. Taquechel drugstore, SA
Department Stores 1. Fixed Prices, SA 2. Flog shops, SA 3. Lopez and Rio. S. in C. (English Bazar) 4. Menendez Brothers (New Island) 5. La Isla de Cuba SA 6. Cia. Stocking Distributor, Inc. (Roseland) Hosiery Distributors Corp. 7. Philosophy, SA 8. Sixto & Co. Gabriel. SA (End of the Century) 9. Solis, Entrialgo y Cia., SA (The House) 10. Fabrics La Epoca, SA 11. Mola Sánchez y Cia., SA 12. Storing Ultra, SA 13. Silk clothing stores and the Opera, SA
G ROUP U Railway companies
1. Consolidated Railroads of Cuba, SA 2. Hershey Railroad Terminal 3. Eastern Consolidated Investments, SA 4. The Cuba Railroad Company 5. Cuba Northern Railways 6. Cia. Guantánamo and Western Railroad 7. Consolidated Omnibus Cuba 8. Cia. Development of Puerto Tarafa
GROUP "V" Printing
1. P. Fernandez y Cia., S. in C. GRUP
O "W" and Cinemas Film Circuits
1. Theatrical performances, SA 2. Astral circuit 3. Circuit Race 4. Diaz and Brother 5. Film Radiocentro 6. Cine Arenal 7. Cinema Alcázar 8. Alameda Film 9. Miramar Cinema 10. Film Mara 11. Santa Catalina
GROUP "X" Construction
1. Concrete Caribe SA 2. Central Mix 3. Cantera Caribbean 4. Concretera Terrace, SA 5. Flooring and Building Materials Camon, SA 6. Transportation Camon, SA 7. Timber Antonio Pérez, SA 8. Perez and Brother SA 9. Cancelo Wooden Co., SA 10. Pressure pipe Cuban, SA 11. New Company Perdurit Asbestos Cement Products, Inc. 12. Cia. Paver Atlas, SA 13. Quarry operator Atlas, SA 14. Equipment Bar and Cafe, SA 15. Master Electric, SA 16. Structural Concrete industry 'Pre-Made, SA 17. Pottery Industry Azorín, SA 18. Factory Mosaics La Cubana 19. Asphalt Transport Oriega, SA
Group "and" Electricity
1. Cia. Electricity Hernandez and Brother
GROUP "Z" Maritime
1. Maritime Union Operator, SA 2. Beguiristain dock. 3. Assistant Terminal Marítima, SA 4. Rule Coal. 5. Pier No. 9 Cash secured the port of Sagua 6. Pita and Company. S. in C. 7. Stores Casilda SA 8. Pier Warehouse Sarriá Jagua, SA 9. Warehouse Dock Jagua Avilés, SA 10. Cacicedo Cacicedo spring and Co.. 11. Joseph Donesteves Donesteves spring 12. The Maritime SA 13. Eastern Terminal Ports. ARTICLE

2: are awarded, therefore, in favor of the Cuban State, all property, rights and shares of companies listed in Article 1 of this Act, transferred all its assets and liabilities and accordingly, the State declares subrogated to the location and extent of your natural or legal persons claiming the companies mentioned.

ARTICLE 3: Administration and Management of commercial and industrial enterprises that are left allocated to the State by this Act are assigned to the following organizations and agencies: 1) Companies included in Group A are assigned to General Administration Department Wits National Industrialization Agrarian Reform. 2) Companies included low Group B to N, inclusive, are allocated to the Department of Industrialization of the National Agrarian Reform Institute. 3) The companies listed in the groups N to P, inclusive, are assigned to the Production Department of Agrarian Reform Institute. 4) The companies featured in the groups Q to T, inclusive, are assigned to the Commercial Office of the National Agrarian Reform Institute. 5) The companies listed in Group U, are assigned to the National Transport Corporation. 6) The undertakings listed in Group V, is assigned to the National Press of Cuba. 7) The companies that appear related in Group W, is assigned to the Institute Cuban Cinematographic Art and Industry. 8) The companies involved in Groups X and Y, are assigned to the Ministry of Public Works. 9) The companies involved in the Z Group, are assigned to the Maritime Promotion Department.

ARTICLE 4: competent officials of state agencies and departments to which they are assigned the administration and management of nationalized enterprises, may assign to each of the managers they choose, without prejudice to the powers Central Board of Planning.

ARTICLE 5: consequential expropriations and nationalizations and awards on behalf of the Cuban State of the companies mentioned in Article 1 of this Act are extended to the company or relatives of those subsidiaries, which will be effected by means of resolutions issued by the heads of agencies or government departments who are assigned management and business administration specifically appropriated by this Act

ARTICLE 6: causes are declared as public utility and social and national interest and the need for expropriation, displayed many of the For this Act

ARTICLE 7: Ways and means of payment of benefits accruing to individuals or Legal affected by the expropriations that are available in this Act shall be regulated by a subsequent law. To this end, the Central Planning Board shall submit to the Council of Ministers, within the shortest possible time, the draft Law for

regard to industrial and commercial are currently operated by government agencies available, not included in this Act, empowering the Central Planning Board to proceed with the nationalization of falling in line with the principles of this Act, or otherwise, have to cease intervention.


few are repealed laws and regulations are contrary to the provisions of this Law, which will begin effective upon publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic. Therefore: Command is completed and running by this Act in its entirety. Given the Presidential Palace in Havana on October 13, 1960. OSWALDO

Dorticos Torrado Prime Minister Fidel Castro Ruz Díaz Rolando Aztaraín Minister of Finance.

La Barbie Staci Diamond

On "D" of dignity to the call sheet UNITY. RESOLVED

Who have fought so hard to achieve the so-called Iron Unit Dissident candidate for the National Assembly, "without elaborating on how wide or deep the query was for the selection of candidates ...- be fixed from now on " D "DIGNITY , showing that his desire is not personal or selfish but a way of fighting for the country, avoiding more division, more frustration in society and, again, false re-legitimization of the regime.

This Day "D" DIGNITY should be the day set by them, collectively, to resign en bloc also, the applications that have been in formal public ceremony before the CNE, inviting presence International observers, the ambassadors of all the accredited countries, including OAS, UN, Parlantino, etc., if:
  1. The scheme, which controls the Supreme Court, violates the Due Process and prevents the application of political prisoners assumptions and / or
  2. If the CNE does not meet the requirements set forth JOIN known so that the vote of dissent real choice and transparency ...

The country needs is clarity, this seriousness and determination and should demand, tight, all parties and postulates the establishment and enforcement of the D-Day, failing that, God forbid, the desire of the postulates have been petty and personal, to the detriment of the country seized by the regime.

act accordingly if not the country they were charged on 04 December ....

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Hesperian Old Machinery

DILEMMA: Apply to the National Assembly and to vote.

Vote or no vote - Apply or lose positions of power. Dilemma solved.

Chávez has argued, repeatedly and publicly, its perpetuation the Presidency until 2030 , estimated date for the consolidation of Revolution following the guidelines of Castro in Cuba who has 47 years in power.

what are you willing to keep Chavez in power:
The April 11, 2002, Chavez turned on, with malice aforethought, and unpunished unscrupulously, the Plan Avila, while he Shark 1, who directed, personally, the slaughter of many members of a peaceful, unarmed, and even cheerful. Thus disposed of the lives of innocent people in the most merciless. To have had before life as sacred what, is expected to continue disposing of anything else to stay in power as it is, control all public functions, the CNE, the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, the FAN, PDVSA, the Central Bank, etc., etc.

"What requires Chavez to perpetuate until 2030?
  1. Continue to monitor all institutions, such as the CNE, the Supreme Court, the FAN and militias, using the huge oil revenues, which looks very likely for many years given the high value of this natural resource;
  2. art. 230 of the Constitution, which limits the period to six years, renewable for only one more. To Therefore, the proposed constitutional amendment requires a vote of two thirds of the Assembly, being the December elections to the NA critical to the regime and, in particular, for Chavez. The CNE has extended the number of deputies to 186, so the 2 / 3 essential would be represented by 124 deputies. It is obvious that Chavez will require a margin in their favor and go beyond this minimum figure. As such, shall reserve not less than 160 deputies from 150 to his unconditional, 40 to 45% of military extraction. Accordingly, the dissent will not receive, as a result of the granting of Chavez, but some 26 deputies in the best case, average of an opposition deputy from each state. Is that clear? Is it clear that failure to proceed in this manner can not disguise his regime with democratic aura and can not be perpetuated until 2030? Is it clear why the regime does not want to have abstained? Hence the importance of elections to the NA.
seeking nominations from the parties and some civil organizations of dissent:

no doubt that within a "democracy", a situation sadly different from that in the country, parties should actively participate in the electoral process to increase their influence and power political, maintain or simply survive. And if it is assumed that the traditional opposition parties, far from increasing their power have been losing for years, catastrophically, for lack of credibility of civil society in them, resulting in the loss of their militancy, we must agree them that the situation is chaotic. I was on 07 August with the city, where abstention prevailed, and it will be fatal in December.
To make matters worse, some parties persist in the race to old figures that no longer drag and others totally rejected by the electorate.
This has meant that, some civil society organizations and some successful leaders of it, in particular, they have warmed ears siren and nominations for the Assembly.
Unlike the case of the application to the NA of prisoners and political refugees, an initiative that has lost most attractive-not to be a sole application, "while a number of important prisoners have refused to participate in this "election show" whose director has ruled the death of the opposition parties.

  1. Chavez needs to dominate the elections of the NA to have the choice to 2030 imposing nearly all the MEPs, fact achieved by controlling the strands of the CNE since what matters is who counts the votes and not how many there are of them.
  2. dissent will only have those 26 deputies in the National Assembly that the Director has decided to "gifts" and possibly some of these have already been negotiated with the government.
  3. What these 26 MPs would exercise power for the benefit of dissent? None who would benefit from these deputies? Scarcely anyone but themselves with their respective salaries, allowances and pensions and some "centimetraje" for them and their parties. In short: a positive balance? Zero
  4. By contrast, aggravated by an abstention in dissent than that of the city, the despair and frustration in the dissent will be greater and the guilty, extreme selfishness, and applicants will be nominated and even the few winners in the draw or, "in negotiating the fee?
  5. affect
  6. This discouragement of dissent, will make your organization and subtracted forces abroad in the world of diplomacy, where forms are valued more than the background.
  7. same time, the defeat of the dissidents in the National Assembly elections will strengthen the ruling party, their organizations and subtract more possibilities for those who live on the plans or have expectations on them, to give back to the regime.

In short, knowing that dissent will not benefit only about 25 or 26 MPs in the NA, which means a total defeat for the same and a triumph for the regime unconscionable, the best thing to do is :

  • continue demonizing the CNE, demanding, both inside and outside the country, their compliance with the constitutional, legal and universal JOIN dixit:
  • REFRAIN to nominate as NO DISSENTING, As such they should go to AN, with the extraordinary repudiation and that this negative propaganda against the regime and would
  • following the example of Anzoátegui, organized in each municipality to intertwine with other states and create a national organization of dissent, based on common objectives and a strategy that the tip to the streets and neighborhoods.

If there is unity around common goals and clear strategy may not generate any policy nor get any achievement.

Saturday, September 3, 2005

How Replace Grand Am. Rear Speakers

MINUTES # 003 - 31/08/2005

In this day, August 31, 2005, in the city of Dairy, Urbanski, Anzoátegui, civic organizations met FOUNDATION CIVIL SOCIETY, OIL PEOPLE, WOMEN'S FREEDOM, FUNDAIDENTIDAD, JOIN, Alianza Bravo Pueblo and monitors (omitted the names of those present), respectively, all duly empowered to discuss the following Single Point:

Application and / or participation in the elections to the National Assembly in December 2005.

representation PEOPLE SOLUTIONS apologized for his absence under health reasons.

The Assembly unanimously agreed:

  • That any current or future DECIDED organizations may run or participate directly or indirectly, in elections to the National Assembly or anywhere else, while, the CNE remains kidnapped by the regime, ie, while not fulfilling the eligibility conditions specified in detail by SÚMATE or until you have a national agreement on a single candidate for dissent and
  • invoked for the scheme and has offered recommendations JOIN, to date, considering the quality of its organization, clarity of its objectives, the unifying work of dissent and its systematic accreditation and information to the countries and international organizations, without disqualifying role.

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MINUTES # 002 - 29/08/2005

In this day, August 29, 2005, in the city of Dairy, Urbanski, Anzoátegui, civic organizations gathered FOUNDATION CIVIL SOCIETY, OIL PEOPLE, WOMEN'S FREEDOM, FUNDAIDENTIDAD, JOIN, BRAVO PARTNERSHIP PUEBLO (excludes the names of those present), respectively, all duly authorized and decided, unanimously:
  1. The organization is named DECISION democratic citizen (DECIDED) ;
  2. a blog is open Site DECIDED taking by name;
  3. were reported briefly on progress in encrypted intercom system in the main municipalities of Anzoátegui state,
  4. was agreed to invite the NGOs PEOPLE SOLUTIONS to participate in deciding,
  5. different strategies were discussed to show solidarity with the districts recommended by THE PEOPLE OF THE PLAZA , based in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAnzoátegui and
  6. was convened for the day Wednesday, August 31 at a special meeting to define the position of each of the organizations to decide on the nominations and elections for members of National Assembly resolved accordingly.
On day

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MINUTES # 001 - 18/08/2005

Today, August 18, 2005, in the city of Dairy, Urbanski, Anzoátegui, civic organizations gathered FOUNDATION CIVIL SOCIETY, OIL PEOPLE, WOMEN'S FREEDOM, FUNDAIDENTIDAD, JOIN, Alianza Bravo Pueblo (names omitted and names of attendees), respectively, all duly authorized and decided, unanimously:
  1. Achieving unity of dissent based on common objectives and long term, establishing a body that groups in Anzoátegui state every citizen organizations democratic dissent in order to: restore democracy and peace in the country, generating the material and spiritual welfare of all Venezuelans with special interest in the dispossessed "D" and "E", all in an organized and strategically putting, always, the collective interest of each member himself;
  2. invite to participate on the basis of common objectives other organizations;
  3. hold a primary in the state to delegate representatives to the Federal Congress agreed by acclamation for over one hundred and forty-five organizations citizen on July 23 at the Ateneo de Caracas;
  4. Designing and operating a intercom throughout the state to guarantee your privacy
  5. Encourage the establishment of similar organizations in every state in the country to devise a national strategy based on common goals that lead them to take the streets and show solidarity with the problems of neighborhoods, in particular, face a single voice the country and abroad;
  6. Meet the 29th of August to go to implement the agreement and provide the organization name.