Saturday, September 3, 2005

How Replace Grand Am. Rear Speakers

MINUTES # 003 - 31/08/2005

In this day, August 31, 2005, in the city of Dairy, Urbanski, Anzoátegui, civic organizations met FOUNDATION CIVIL SOCIETY, OIL PEOPLE, WOMEN'S FREEDOM, FUNDAIDENTIDAD, JOIN, Alianza Bravo Pueblo and monitors (omitted the names of those present), respectively, all duly empowered to discuss the following Single Point:

Application and / or participation in the elections to the National Assembly in December 2005.

representation PEOPLE SOLUTIONS apologized for his absence under health reasons.

The Assembly unanimously agreed:

  • That any current or future DECIDED organizations may run or participate directly or indirectly, in elections to the National Assembly or anywhere else, while, the CNE remains kidnapped by the regime, ie, while not fulfilling the eligibility conditions specified in detail by SÚMATE or until you have a national agreement on a single candidate for dissent and
  • invoked for the scheme and has offered recommendations JOIN, to date, considering the quality of its organization, clarity of its objectives, the unifying work of dissent and its systematic accreditation and information to the countries and international organizations, without disqualifying role.


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