Vote or no vote - Apply or lose positions of power. Dilemma solved.
Chávez has argued, repeatedly and publicly, its perpetuation the Presidency until 2030 , estimated date for the consolidation of Revolution following the guidelines of Castro in Cuba who has 47 years in power.
what are you willing to keep Chavez in power:
what are you willing to keep Chavez in power:
The April 11, 2002, Chavez turned on, with malice aforethought, and unpunished unscrupulously, the Plan Avila, while he Shark 1, who directed, personally, the slaughter of many members of a peaceful, unarmed, and even cheerful. Thus disposed of the lives of innocent people in the most merciless. To have had before life as sacred what, is expected to continue disposing of anything else to stay in power as it is, control all public functions, the CNE, the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, the FAN, PDVSA, the Central Bank, etc., etc.
"What requires Chavez to perpetuate until 2030?
"What requires Chavez to perpetuate until 2030?
- Continue to monitor all institutions, such as the CNE, the Supreme Court, the FAN and militias, using the huge oil revenues, which looks very likely for many years given the high value of this natural resource;Modify
- art. 230 of the Constitution, which limits the period to six years, renewable for only one more. To Therefore, the proposed constitutional amendment requires a vote of two thirds of the Assembly, being the December elections to the NA critical to the regime and, in particular, for Chavez. The CNE has extended the number of deputies to 186, so the 2 / 3 essential would be represented by 124 deputies. It is obvious that Chavez will require a margin in their favor and go beyond this minimum figure. As such, shall reserve not less than 160 deputies from 150 to his unconditional, 40 to 45% of military extraction. Accordingly, the dissent will not receive, as a result of the granting of Chavez, but some 26 deputies in the best case, average of an opposition deputy from each state. Is that clear? Is it clear that failure to proceed in this manner can not disguise his regime with democratic aura and can not be perpetuated until 2030? Is it clear why the regime does not want to have abstained? Hence the importance of elections to the NA.
seeking nominations from the parties and some civil organizations of dissent:
no doubt that within a "democracy", a situation sadly different from that in the country, parties should actively participate in the electoral process to increase their influence and power political, maintain or simply survive. And if it is assumed that the traditional opposition parties, far from increasing their power have been losing for years, catastrophically, for lack of credibility of civil society in them, resulting in the loss of their militancy, we must agree them that the situation is chaotic. I was on 07 August with the city, where abstention prevailed, and it will be fatal in December.
To make matters worse, some parties persist in the race to old figures that no longer drag and others totally rejected by the electorate.
This has meant that, some civil society organizations and some successful leaders of it, in particular, they have warmed ears siren and nominations for the Assembly.
Unlike the case of the application to the NA of prisoners and political refugees, an initiative that has lost most attractive-not to be a sole application, "while a number of important prisoners have refused to participate in this "election show" whose director has ruled the death of the opposition parties.
- Chavez needs to dominate the elections of the NA to have the choice to 2030 imposing nearly all the MEPs, fact achieved by controlling the strands of the CNE since what matters is who counts the votes and not how many there are of them.
- dissent will only have those 26 deputies in the National Assembly that the Director has decided to "gifts" and possibly some of these have already been negotiated with the government.
- What these 26 MPs would exercise power for the benefit of dissent? None who would benefit from these deputies? Scarcely anyone but themselves with their respective salaries, allowances and pensions and some "centimetraje" for them and their parties. In short: a positive balance? Zero
- By contrast, aggravated by an abstention in dissent than that of the city, the despair and frustration in the dissent will be greater and the guilty, extreme selfishness, and applicants will be nominated and even the few winners in the draw or, "in negotiating the fee? affect
- This discouragement of dissent, will make your organization and subtracted forces abroad in the world of diplomacy, where forms are valued more than the background.
- same time, the defeat of the dissidents in the National Assembly elections will strengthen the ruling party, their organizations and subtract more possibilities for those who live on the plans or have expectations on them, to give back to the regime.
In short, knowing that dissent will not benefit only about 25 or 26 MPs in the NA, which means a total defeat for the same and a triumph for the regime unconscionable, the best thing to do is :
- continue demonizing the CNE, demanding, both inside and outside the country, their compliance with the constitutional, legal and universal JOIN dixit:
- REFRAIN to nominate as NO DISSENTING, As such they should go to AN, with the extraordinary repudiation and that this negative propaganda against the regime and would
- following the example of Anzoátegui, organized in each municipality to intertwine with other states and create a national organization of dissent, based on common objectives and a strategy that the tip to the streets and neighborhoods.
If there is unity around common goals and clear strategy may not generate any policy nor get any achievement.
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