Truth regret to inform you this, but it's true. If you would send messages to twitter, facebook or the official site Nat and Alex Wolff can check. Here I have the explanation of Polly Draper because Nickelodeon has decided to cancel the show this year. Open Letter
Polly Draper NBB fans in a magazine:
Dear Fans of Naked Brothers Band:
First I want to thank you for your support. You are right if they are angry by what I'm going to communicate. But it is essentially my fault that the show has been canceled for this year.
I would never agree with Nat and Alex make thirteen more episodes per year, because I want you to go to school like normal kids, and behave as such. Because of this, Nickelodeon can not make as much money as you do with programs such as iCarly or True Jackson, because children who work in these series are schooled at home, and are able to work throughout the year. That
, agreeing with the fact that ours is the most expensive of Nickelodeon. All this unfortunately led to the cancellation.
Nat and Alex, and the rest of the cast were trimmers with this news, and I also of course. We all loved the program and have enjoyed every minute we have worked together loq ue. And like you, we hate to leave the story hanging in the powerlessness of power continue.
But equally, it is noteworthy that we have always been one of the highest ratings in Nickelodeon puntueaciones, but the fact is that you can not win money that is waiting for a show of this point in so few episodes.
As for Nat and Alex tour without the rest of the band, this was a desicion made by the rest of the parents of the band. The other children were not able to play so well live performances, and Nat and Alex was really important to play live in concert. They have integrity, who take their music very seriously. So I met some young musicians adults who are at your level and decided to take on tour with them. The rest of the Naked Brothers Band decición fully understand this and support it. In fact, given more motivation to practice with their instruments, so maybe in a possible future tour with ellos.
Yo creo que los fans de NBB no estan decepcionados porque el resto de la banda no toca en los conciertos de la gira, es decir son tan asombrosos musicos, que dudo que algun fan se halla ido decepcionado de un concierto de Nat y Alex.
Escuche un rumor de que mis hijos no son amables con sus fans. Esto los puso muy tristes. Ellos siempre que pueden salen a saludarlos, firman los autografos que se le pidan y se sacan las fotos que sus fans desean. Su padre y yo estamos casi siempre en esos encuentros con sus fans y no hemos visto actitudes feas hacia ellos,al contrario, se van todos felices. También visitan niños enfermos en los hospitales y participan en los beneficios para los niños desfavorecidos, junto con muchas causas ambientales. Aunque I am your mother tell you the truth, I think are very good people.
I trust you will understand all these things.
everyone loves them!
Polly Draper.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8oidLxz094 video link from a farewell to the Naked Brothers Band. Hai million of them on Youtube, so the news is true.
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