How will going on tour this summer?
Alex: We've done pretty well. It was incredible. Nat
: A bus tour is great fun. In every city we go we realize we are at a different level than the previous tour, because the latter was irregular. We had two concerts here, and then we went to school, and then another, and so on. This time in the summer tour we have no other obligations.
So we raise our level.
What is the best of living in a bus?
Alex: The division is a curtain. Such as in a small room. We can see a movie on the DVD there. Nat
: The problem with the DVD is that I wake up like ten times a night and hit my head with it.
Alex: So you keep it up, do not have to leave it hanging, you have to upload
Nat: Thanks Alex.
Alex: Now I do not think you become a hit.
What do in your spare time?
Nat: We have a acoustic guitar for travel and to write, I have been writing and using the iPhone, which is something that serves to record the voice, so remember how it was that I had to play the song. Well actually had, because my iPhone is broken, I come from the store to buy a new cell.
Alex: That's because his stuff does not care!
If he have taken their ipods now, you hear?
Alex: I'm obsessed with Green Day and Led Zappelin. But I also love The Beatles, I'm addicted to The Beatles, they both are, we are their biggest fans.
Nat: I am the most obsessed with the Beatles in the face of the earth. But I also like the 90 Elliot Smith, Jeff Buckley and Nirvana. I went to my day before was 60, now at 90, maybe someday hopefully get my time.
Who of you is more in love with Kristen Stewart?
Alex: I'm not obsessed, Nat is like me. We are fans.
Nat: I loved the film Adventureland, I think she's great.
Alex: She is very good. She is very good in Twilight, she is very good in Zathura, I think is very good at all!
What has been your favorite city to which they have visited in the tour? Nat
: New Orleans will probably say, could not choose one, but I have a soft spot for that.
Alex: I liked Fillmore and San Francisco, because they have all played there, that was my favorite concert.
What is the best part of traveling around the country?
Alex: In every city I try to eat something else. Something that had never before eaten. Do not even know. Once I ate like black sea bass as the BBQ and shrimp bisque, something like that, is very rare. Just as things I've ever eaten.
Nat: I tried to order burgers in every city, and end up weighing 180 kg. Soon, the diet of Nat Wolff. (Laughs)
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