Notorious, Alfred Hitchcock, 1946, USA, Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains. Notorious
represents Hitchcock's filmography particular step of Rubicon in this film as the vital signs of the work of the director, and announced from the English stage, total charge prominence and are defined from conception of a visual universe itself and an exquisite use of film technique to a recurring theme as the choice between love and deber.En this regard Notorious is the most personal of the great director and giving a quantum leap to the date of realizaciĆ³n.Mucho had to see the role of producer to the director assumed the mantle of RKO less study-study-because the levels of creative freedom which were enjoyed embodied in this work recognizable and inimitable style that through its minimalism and a seemingly cold tone tells one of the greatest love stories with sexual tension which have been run ever, a story of deep human emotions camouflaged with Mc Guffin of rigor and visionary as it is camouflaged uranium in wine bottles at a time which had not yet released the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki , though the film started shooting shortly after the bombing choice Mc Guffin occurred prior-.QuĆ© would have happened if David O. Selznick had followed the head of the project will never be known but the sale of any package (story, director, screenwriter and lead actress) for RKO to raise funds with which to finance Duel in the Sun , led to Hitch take charge of production and overcome his previous film, under the command of the magnificent producer, Remember , which had as here written by Ben Hecht and role of Ingrid Bergman .
The technical virtuosity Hitchcock is shown in the use of environmental elements both from the point score (excellent score from Roy Webb , strong and melodramatic, but become important underlying) and visual (profusion of very first first plans, use of subjective camera to show the point of view of the characters) and excels in the famous plane that starts from the top of the stairs and ends in a close-up of the key in the hand of Bergman . The director's ability to create an economy of means with a remarkable depth of this film is amazing.

One of the biggest commercial successes of the year for RKO in adding more profitable, Notorious begins with a credits today may be outdated to the younger (more if compared with the recent Source as buildings that share both), not the passionate story that reveals, interpreted in addition to Swedish actress, by Cary Grant sublime-note the rigidity of his body language, and by a Claude Rains that embodies a "villain? prototypical Hitchcock : vulnerable and elegant, and is deceived in the conclusion of the film feel genuine concern and / or pity for him at the descent into hell represented metaphorically when accompanying the pair of lovers under the scrutinizing gaze of his fellow Nazis escalera.Una again by the "bad" hitchckonianos hide under a normal appearance (the Dr. Anderson is a man even caring) and The 39 Steps or With North by Northwest.

Notorious definitively developed many of the components of the Hitchcock film : the struggle between love and duty raised in London Girl and / or becomes more Sabotage depth and is presented in a Devlin repressed and bitter, the subjective point of view aimed at The 39 Steps and worked in Remember is perfected here and use the resources of the medium reaches a peak emerging in this area extraordinary work with the camera in this film it is reevaluated with each revision that is made of same.
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