Destry Rides Again George Marshall, 1939, USA, James Stewart, Marlene Dietrich, Brian Donlevy.
in key Western comedy rolled to slipstream the impact of Stagecoach and noted for the satire of gender stereotypes and the investment of male / female to the point that the resolution of the plot Women play an active and crucial role, having also another high point in this direction (a fight between women) ... the active participation of the women may be explained by the collaboration on the screenplay Gertrude Purcell but in any case is an especially rare in the genre and so explicitly.

The unusual nature of the film is reinforced by the role of a hero who appears throughout the narrative against the use of weapons and to dialogue and calm temperament, but the expected transformation character suffers to resolve the dispute in question is hit and there is little explained, breaking down the entire value of the identity built along the story at the conclusion of the original approach, however filme.No is an added value of this film and an element stress and so is the meeting of two legends of the interpretation of the Hollywood film : a Marlene Dietrich low hours and the other James Stewart, in full consecration.
The film garnered great success of both public and critical re-launching the career of the German-born actress is correct in a role reminiscent of hatching (the Lola-Lola in The Blue Angel ) early decade and that he used to sing one of his famous songs: See what the boys in the back room Will Have . Precisely their participation and the same Stewart is another of the pros to approach Western this functionality different classic directed by one of those unknown directors but long way since the dawn of cinema, George Marshall, who specialized in Westerns and comedies and returned to the same story years later (Destry , 1954); argument that adapts a novel by Max Brand prolific little or nothing to do with it and that was previously filmed in 1932 in a film starring Hollywood's first cowboy , Tom Mix .
Stewart's debut in a genre that and it would be an icon passes for a simple fun, a sort farce of the genre that deserves to be seen as a curiosity to be a Western unusual release also served for Dietrich in cowboy movies and manages to entertain without more, becoming history in the background and more if takes into account the year of its completion, add branded by many as the best for the film "Hollywood" because it premiered such American classics as The Wizard of Oz , What The Wind , Knight Without a Sword or Stagecoach, which more than meant as milestones in various aspects and resulted in a definite impact in either direction.

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