Boeing Boeing, John Rich , 1965, USA, Jerry Lewis, Tony Curtis , Thelma Ritter .
The famous play eponymous Marc Camoletti that even today it remains important in theaters has given rise to four versions cinematográficas.La before us, adapted by Edward Anhalt , is a comedy that excels in Jerry controversial filmography Lewis who is away from their usual excesses that can be considered a more "serious." In this film
Lewis evenly with his friend Tony Curtis , but not so friendly to put aside your ego known by both claimed that his name appeared first in the credits, a situation resolved an ingenious solution "falls short and the years of her duet with Dean Martin having reached maturity and creativity for which it has passed into history despite its many detractors ( The Nutty Professor, for example), here Lewis performs a role not just slapstick and that, indeed, is correct, the less gives a perfect replica Curtis whose character is a runner for much of the footage without rhyme or son.Y is that neither the script of that Anhalt or the direction of John Rich TV (at times the film seems a real sitcom also becoming too obvious theatrical origins of the story) are able to trace the non-respect of tempos, from the beginning, this comedy of errors that could give more if it arises forcefully hit a rhythm. Some
dialogue, usually Jerry Lewis, has something of grace but not the character of a housekeeper Thelma Ritter who does what he can "is used, yet she is perhaps the best film along with an issue raised and surprise to find the controversial comic in a vis more" adult. "Of course not John Rich the film gives the necessary impulse for the work to exploit the comic potential that posee.A Notwithstanding the above the product can be isolated at times but these do not make us overlook its flaws because it is an uneven comedy confusion / clutter in which the stereotyped characters are constructed through cultural clichés that serve and of course fun element.

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