Jubal, Delmer Daves, 1956, USA, Glenn Ford, Ernest Borgnine , Rod Steiger.
example of the flexibility of Western , Jubal is representative sample of work Delmer Daves, one of those directors who are hiding behind the big names Seventh Art but which deserves be discovered or revised from time to cuando.Con classic style and understated the director, who also participates in the script-build a story inspired by the tragedy "Hamlet-like" of Othello which is the construction of the characters and their relationships on the action so that the film is particularly interested in his shed in vain psicológica.No characters are trapped by human emotions, desire, ambition, loyalty, jealousy, and his reactions to them are the axis on which the narrative revolves.
psychological tension distilled with simplicity by Daves reached levels high points at times but the outcome is long and weak compared to the rest of the film and still have some interesting symbolic levels (hook and rope) and others of remarkable visual power (the legs of horses around the Yago this version), before the movie and gave us a good aroma film and we had caught the profile displayed by the characters and the ties that go uniéndolos.La story begins tinged "noir" (a guy with a mysterious past appears on a ranch where he lives a "femme fatale" married to the benefactor of that) then unfolds as a kind of tragic melodrama in which the appearance of Western appearance is only because the story could be developed in any other ámbito.Si it is true that the landscape provides a framework for the narration is stunning, and is beautifully filmed in CinemaScope -how to benefit this kind of widescreen! - , no more than a context in which human drives they unfold gaining prominence all.

A division led by the cash right Glenn Ford and between Charles Bronson appears recently changed its name and consolidating his career, the music of David Raksin and know-how of the filmmaker, a man with extensive experience as a writer when decided to go behind the scenes in the 40's, along with the stunning landscape of Wyoming are sufficient elements to approach this charming Western .

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