Stagecoach, John Ford , 1939, USA, Claire Trevor, John Wayne , Thomas Mitchell . Movie
important for Western , important film for the director, major film for the actor, big movie in the history of cinema in the end. Diligence The film is a mythical but very high quality technical and narrative and visual beauty sometimes overwhelming conferred by the style of one of the great filmmakers as majority consensus (when Orson Welles asked about his three Favorite directors said: "John Ford , John Ford and John Ford ).
the filmmaker's return to the genre that would define and which define ("My name is John Ford and I Westerns") after 13 years during which he directed such diverse films was a Rubicon to the same genre as the decade of the 30 were moribund after its silent splendor, success with the advent of the talkies and the difficulty of integrating the necessary dialogue now with the action property of this type of film, began to decline to the point of being considered as a product of Series B . No doubt Stagecoach marked the evolution of the genus laying the groundwork for its classicism of the 40 and 50 and further revisionism ( Peckinpah) and the emergence of sub-genres of all kinds ( Spaghetti ). Stagecoach Western revitalized so that it could pass through the new paths opened by her, reaching for the gender status cine.La character building rich, deep and complex (if we exclude the occurrence and treatment of Indians who basically acts as a mechanism to support the suspense of the plot), not forgetting the action inherent in this kind of films and caring atmosphere in which the story takes place in addition to the use of landscape as an element endowed meaning in the same-but here is an outline of what would of whether the inclusion of Nature as a character in the genre and more specifically the role of Monument Valley in the films "Fordist" is introduced for the first time allowed to scan the horizon género.Queda the maturity of the landscape as axle set narrative and set of concerns inherent character of this category of movies.

In an intense visual beauty that emphasize the lyrical composition of deep inner planes and lighting (designed by Bert Glennon ) and superb technical management sites and innovative camera movements interesting (above diligence, for example), the film overcomes the spatial limitation and agility through the deployment of certain characteristics "Fordist" exuberant aesthetic sensibility, the location on the famous-now-desert, the splendid use film technique (not just camera movement but also the functionality mentioned narrative elements of the environment-see food scene or dialogue-), political concerns (the right to vote, a reference to of War Civil ) and social (relationships between characters of different classes) and exposure of the relationship between the adult and young, not to mention the military parade that so often reproduced the realizador.El poetic visual style emphasizes purity Ford the script of a millimeter divided into three acts (in this regard we should remember the repeated viewing, the legend than 40 times, by Welles of the work in preparation for his great Citizen Kane) that displays a profusion themes (social prejudice, alcoholism) headed by the redemption story of the characters "less morally acceptable," but that in extreme situations act as higher values, noble and humane than the concomitant resto.Idea Butterball, story Short Guy de Maupassant that inspired the story of Ernest Haycox jeans in relied Dudley Nichols to write the script of the film.

before Western Movie , the work complements its visual aesthetic diversity of topics focusing on the relationships established between the characters but incorporating in the final third of the most celebrated stunt and recalled that were shot in the decade of the 30 (and for many one of the best of all time) with the assault on the vehicle's title and its defense film The Stunt Yakima Canutt was involved in the design and implementation of the final duel misma.Asimismo the traditional culmination of the sub-plot of vengeance that sinks its inception in expressionism is solved with a strange beauty Ford and serves to round off the decent relato.Precisamente the actor who stars in this sub-plot of revenge between the proper cast excels, though Carradine is remarkable, "his long entry has become one of the most celebrated in film history with this abrupt shift camera crowned in a magnificent foreground, the rest is history: John Wayne is one of the icons of the Seventh Art ; actor's presence (please check it out original version to see diction) was already a classic of the genre (of course if we consider the status of the foregoing, it is not saying much) and with his Ringo Kid achieved the recognition they had been denied until that time and shaped as a great film star in the sky. Stagecoach was a great opportunity for the actor after his previous role in a film by Raoul Walsh decade earlier became a complete failure, this time things were very different to reap great success of the work audiences and critics (endorsed with the achievement of two awards in and a few Oscar nominations) Wayne catapulting toward a professional career as exalted as one of the most emblematic figures of the genre and cinema.

Stagecoach takes significance as a cornerstone in the evolution of Western and stands as a mark founding of the classic patterns as well as being the trigger of one of the most legendary races and interpretation involve the return of Ford gender so dear to him, the review and adjustment of the genre that made it out for the director to undertake or continue a path with multiple paths traced by other engineers ( Hawks, Mann ) and today still has not reached the end of the line, establishing the Western as one of the major genres of film, hence the significance of The care for it.

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